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I never felt pretty,

I do not feel pretty now. I'm not a pretty person,

I do not like the beautiful.

So I do not feel bad and I think it worked well.

Because I saw that, for example... All the girls that I know that were pretty and fixed by their physique, with time, when that fades... They were nothing, and they were very disappointed. When you are someone like me, to move and be attractive. You have to develop something, you have to learn something and you have to do something. So you become a little more interesting. And when you get old you make do with that. In any case I do not like the beautiful! Most of the world does not agree with me, but I do not care.

Always remember... You can not do everything, it's impossible, something has to give. Sometimes you are you!

1 Rule; I do not like to criticize the style of people... That's not my business!

2 Rule and the most important; IT IS BETTER TO LIVE HAPPY, TO DRESS WELL !!


Iris Apfel | Vogue

A nine-decade-old fashionista and quintessential New York socialite, Iris Apfel, a fireproof and pioneering style prescriber, says she acquired her first complement at the age of 11. "I am a child of The Great Depression, we did not have much money. Nobody had it. And when you got a little, you learned to spend it wisely, "he said. He was born in the New York of the 20s. His mother owned a boutique and his father an import business. She, on the other hand, married Carl Apfel. And together with her husband, she guided her professional steps towards the world of interior design. Both created the Old World Weavers brand and together they became successful interior decorators, advising nine American presidents: from Truman to Bill Clinton.

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